Carmen Neghina
10 years ago

StudyPortals Student Satisfaction Awards 2014: Scandinavian countries stand out in international students’ satisfaction


Scandinavian countries outperform southern Europe in student satisfaction. Scandinavia receives top scores in academic performance whereas southern European countries are recommended as a perfect destination for international student life experience.

Northern countries have taken the lead in the satisfaction of international students reveals a new research by StudyPortals. Despite minor dissatisfaction about the weather, students appreciate Finland as the most satisfying country to study in Europe. International students are very attracted to study in France, Spain and Italy but according to the reviews several issues regarding the education itself need to be improved. Mediterranean countries win students’ hearts with the great atmosphere and looks of the places, as well as great student life. However, the studies itself as are rated lower.

Study finds that 89% of the students would recommend their experience and almost seven out of ten international students surveyed would rate their experience with a 9 or 10 out of 10 when asked if they would recommend it to their friends. Only 8% gave a score below 6.

StudyPortals Student Satisfaction Awards 2014:

With an average satisfaction score of 9.2 Finland overtook Sweden and Denmark who both received an average grade of 9.1 out of 10. High level of academics, great social life and satisfying university services were the main aspects that international students appreciated about Finland. Sweden was often recommended by students thanks to great urban and social life.

France scores an average of 8.3 which puts France in the last place for student satisfaction. International students who studied in France appreciated the city atmosphere, looks and size as well as the cultural offer and the international atmosphere. They complain about services provided by universities as well as excess of bureaucracy.

Altogether 30 European universities were awarded with a Certificate of Outstanding International Student Satisfaction (at least 9.5/10), 88 universities with Excellent Students Satisfaction (at least 9/10), and 92 universities were rated ‘very good’ (at least 8 /10).

StudyPortals Student Satisfaction Awards 2014 Countries

Exchange student appreciate city atmosphere and degree students comment on academic matters.

Exchange students who only go abroad for one or two semesters, like Erasmus students, have different priorities compared to students who go abroad for their full degree. Exchange students mention the city life, international atmosphere and living abroad as a major factor for their satisfaction. Students pursuing a full degree pay more attention to the academic and practical aspects of studying, valuing the level of education, teaching methods, the reputation and campus atmosphere and facilities foremost.

More information

Key Influencers of international student satisfaction report StudyPortals’ Student Experience Exchange platform.

About the awards

The StudyPortals International Student Satisfaction Awards 2014 are based on 16,427 comments made by 6,923 international students in Europe. These reviews provide rare insights into universities’ performance from a student’s’ perspective.

The universities included in the award had to have received if more than 20 reviews since the last academic year. Institutions were awarded outstanding student satisfaction award if their average rating was 9.5 or higher out of 10. The Excellent Student Satisfaction Award was received by the universities that had average rating of 9.0 or higher. Universities that received averaged more than 8.0 received very good Student Satisfaction Award.

About StudyPortals

StudyPortals’ main objective is to make study choice transparent globally. In a market of growing options and an increasing need for (digital) information and international comparison, the platform has rapidly established a central position for students that have an interest in studying abroad. Currently, over 1,450 universities participate, from 52 countries, creating transparency across 35,000 study programmes.

Our quality approach has allowed us to build a unique experience on how to find university programmes and present them effectively to prospective students. This empowers students worldwide to easily find and compare their ideal education, while universities benefit from well informed, quality prospective students.

For more information read our report on Key Influencers of International Student Satisfaction in Europe

Press contact: Carmen Neghina | Tel: +31 655 875 270 | Email:


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Student Satisfaction Awards StudyPortals 2014



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