Carmen Neghina

NEW: Geographical breakdown in your monthly statistics report


What is a geographic breakdown?

The geographical breakdowns are graphics that show you the best regional markets for your campaign. The results shown are based on the clicks to your studies and profile information on our portals, as well as on the IP addresses of our visitors. You will receive your personalized geographical breakdowns together with your monthly statistics report of your campaign. This information can give you very useful insight in the popularity of your programs in different countries and regions of the world, which can help you in optimizing your marketing strategy.

What does a geographic breakdown contain?

It contains three different graphs:

  • Student interest per continent
  • Top 25 countries programme views
  • Top 25 countries programme clicks (referrals)

Students interest per continent



The pie chart (see above) provides insight into the overall distribution of students per continent that read your university and programme information, based on the IP addresses of our visitors.

Top 25 countries programme views




The bar chart above shows the top 25 countries of students/visitors that selected your programmes from the search results and viewed your programmes detail page on our portals. What we often see is that prospects compare offers at home with those abroad, which leads to a relatively high percentage of national visitors.

Top 25 programme clicks (referrals)



The bar chart above shows the top 25 countries that read your programmes detail page and clicked through to your website to find further information and if interested, applied.

What additional services can I benefit from?

StudyPortals also offers a consultancy service where we tailor insights based on your goals and objectives, e.g. different conversion rates per programme, benchmarking with similar programmes/universities and especially look for the conversion optimization on your website.


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